Car Battery Replacement & Installation | Killeen, TX
Why care about your car’s battery?
A car battery is a front-and-center component of any car. Without a working battery, the car will not turn on. All other pieces of a car might be in working order, but the moment that battery just doesn’t have enough juice left, you’re left with a piece of metal junk.
Who can look at your current battery for you?
Many car repair shops have the equipment necessary to test and evaluate your car’s battery. Should the test reveal a low battery or one nearing its end, it is advisable to change out the battery. Some owners might want to continue using their battery until the very end when they have to call a tow service or a mechanic to assist them that one morning their car just won’t turn on anymore.
Instead of waiting until the last minute or for that very last successful turn of the engine, proactively replace your car’s battery, and let the professionals at the repair shop do it for you. Repair shops will check the wiring and connections surrounding the battery, ensuring no missed issues go unattended. Also, repair shops will often time offer a warranty on the battery and the work performed.
What kind of battery should you get?
We suggest getting the EcoSmartⓇ MaxMix™ battery because its life is 2 to 3 times that of a regular battery. Traditional car batteries are made with acid, which tends to settle at the bottom of the battery (i.e., acid buildup or acid stratification). The acid buildup can cause excessive corrosion and inaccurate power readings. EcoSmartⓇ MaxMix™ batteries are made with a patented electrolyte solution that continuously mixes with the movement of your car. Electrolyte mixing more than doubles the life of a battery. By simply driving your car as you normally would, you continue to move the contents of the battery, keeping anything from settling at the bottom and corroding like in traditional car batteries. The EcoSmartⓇ MaxMix™ battery is the only of its kind on the market.
Why do I care about Acid Stratification?
Acid Stratification, also known as acid buildup, is a process naturally occurring in batteries where the acid settles to the bottom of the battery. This alone can create inaccurate power readings, false-positive charge readings, decay the battery, cut the life of the battery by half, increases the wear and tear on alternators, and decreases fuel efficiency. False charge readings can confuse modern systems into thinking the battery is more charged than it actually is. As such, the battery is then left chronically undercharged, thus leading to even further acid stratification and battery decay.
Extreme Temperatures can also affect your car’s battery.
Regular batteries in standard, commercial vehicles can reach temperatures in excess of 140°F / 60°C. Extreme temperatures can and do impact the performance and longevity of your car’s battery. After 77°F / 25°C, the chemical reaction within a standard acid battery will increase exponentially (approximately doubles every additional 10°F over 77°F), which in turn cuts the life of the battery in half. If you also operate your car in extreme climates, it isn’t abnormal for a battery to die after a mere 6 to 10 months of service.
EcoSmartⓇ MaxMix™ batteries utilize a patented electrolyte technology that continuously mixes with the regular movements of your car, keeping the temperature down and maximizing the life of your car’s battery. The acid mixing technology in EcoSmartⓇ MaxMix™ batteries extends the life of your car’s battery by up to 4 times that of regular acid batteries.
Car Battery Problems? Visit Phil's Service Repair Shop Located at 503 S 2nd St, Killeen, TX 76541. Call 254-616-1659 today!
Why care about your car’s battery?
A car battery is a front-and-center component of any car. Without a working battery, the car will not turn on. All other pieces of a car might be in working order, but the moment that battery just doesn’t have enough juice left, you’re left with a piece of metal junk.
Who can look at your current battery for you?
Many car repair shops have the equipment necessary to test and evaluate your car’s battery. Should the test reveal a low battery or one nearing its end, it is advisable to change out the battery. Some owners might want to continue using their battery until the very end when they have to call a tow service or a mechanic to assist them that one morning their car just won’t turn on anymore.
Instead of waiting until the last minute or for that very last successful turn of the engine, proactively replace your car’s battery, and let the professionals at the repair shop do it for you. Repair shops will check the wiring and connections surrounding the battery, ensuring no missed issues go unattended. Also, repair shops will often time offer a warranty on the battery and the work performed.
What kind of battery should you get?
We suggest getting the EcoSmartⓇ MaxMix™ battery because its life is 2 to 3 times that of a regular battery. Traditional car batteries are made with acid, which tends to settle at the bottom of the battery (i.e., acid buildup or acid stratification). The acid buildup can cause excessive corrosion and inaccurate power readings. EcoSmartⓇ MaxMix™ batteries are made with a patented electrolyte solution that continuously mixes with the movement of your car. Electrolyte mixing more than doubles the life of a battery. By simply driving your car as you normally would, you continue to move the contents of the battery, keeping anything from settling at the bottom and corroding like in traditional car batteries. The EcoSmartⓇ MaxMix™ battery is the only of its kind on the market.
Why do I care about Acid Stratification?
Acid Stratification, also known as acid buildup, is a process naturally occurring in batteries where the acid settles to the bottom of the battery. This alone can create inaccurate power readings, false-positive charge readings, decay the battery, cut the life of the battery by half, increases the wear and tear on alternators, and decreases fuel efficiency. False charge readings can confuse modern systems into thinking the battery is more charged than it actually is. As such, the battery is then left chronically undercharged, thus leading to even further acid stratification and battery decay.
Extreme Temperatures can also affect your car’s battery.
Regular batteries in standard, commercial vehicles can reach temperatures in excess of 140°F / 60°C. Extreme temperatures can and do impact the performance and longevity of your car’s battery. After 77°F / 25°C, the chemical reaction within a standard acid battery will increase exponentially (approximately doubles every additional 10°F over 77°F), which in turn cuts the life of the battery in half. If you also operate your car in extreme climates, it isn’t abnormal for a battery to die after a mere 6 to 10 months of service.
EcoSmartⓇ MaxMix™ batteries utilize a patented electrolyte technology that continuously mixes with the regular movements of your car, keeping the temperature down and maximizing the life of your car’s battery. The acid mixing technology in EcoSmartⓇ MaxMix™ batteries extends the life of your car’s battery by up to 4 times that of regular acid batteries.